Lighted Lantern Folk Dance Camp
Lighted Lantern
Folk Dance Camp

1973 Attendees

By Dick Oakes


The Lighted Lantern was run by a principal directorial staff. In addition, there were other staff members, both paid and volunteer, as well as student help and the featured instructors.

Of course, these were the folks who laid it on the line for a week of fun for the camp's participants.

Here, for example, is the a list of the more than 100 folks at the

18th Annual Folk Dance Week (July 8-14, 1973)
at Lighted Lantern a'top Lookout Mountain; Golden, Colorado


  • Paul & Pauline Kermiet
  • Fred & Mary Enholm
  • Jean Hann
  • Jim Graham
  • Athan Karras
  • Dick Oakes
  • Majel Reese–Matt
  • Dottie Skala and Mrs. J.C., Jeannie
  • Rudy Ulibarri
  • Ilda Smejkal (Cook)
  • Cathy Ward (Cook)


  • Kevin Brewer
  • Susan Graham
  • Barry Johnson
  • Anne Miller
  • Rob Robinson


  • Bob Adams
  • Cynthia Allen
  • Myron & Edie Arcand
  • Joe & Louise Baggett
  • Bud Bearce
  • Mrs. Jean Benson and Kit
  • Elaine Berger
  • Sara Binkley
  • Meredith Boice
  • Mark L. Boyajian
  • Jack & Joan Bovee and Jeffrey, Crystal
  • Jean Butcher
  • Doris Chapin
  • Ruth Cox
  • Janice Disman
  • Jean Elsey
  • Sol & Helen Fisher
  • Carl Flock
  • Dawn Goddard
  • Sidor & Esther Golub
  • Sheila Golub
  • Robert & Dorothy Goodding
  • Margaret & Barbara Graham
  • Bob Green
  • Howard Harris
  • Karin Hofmann
  • Paula Horner
  • DeAnna Ingels
  • George Kalmus
  • Linda Lassman
  • Daniel Lentz
  • Joe & Joanne Martin and Michael, Daniel, Rebecca, Larry
  • Harmon Mayo
  • Vicki McDonald
  • Dorothy Meiser
  • John Meitzan
  • Wilma Milhoan
  • Edna Mossotti
  • Bert & Jackie Muller and Lisa
  • Channa Orner
  • Ed Ozolin
  • Rebecca Paden
  • Cindy Petersen
  • Timothy Phillips
  • Jean Pieri
  • Leigh Proctor
  • Laurel Raschel
  • Eric & Julia Reidel
  • Elizabeth Rhodes
  • E. Lucille Rust
  • Davida Sclarow and Kendra, Halden
  • Jackie Scott
  • Wendy Seamon
  • Paul Strinel
  • Janice Tesson
  • Dorothy Tharpe and Cicily, Lindlae
  • Madeline Uranek
  • John West
  • Culbreath & Jeanie Whitehead and Suzanne, Randi, Craig
  • Cindy Wike
  • Eugent Wood
  • Jeff Wright