Lighted Lantern Folk Dance Camp
Lighted Lantern
Folk Dance Camp

What Is It?

By Paul and Pauline Kermiet


To those of you who do not know what the Lighted Lantern is and what it is attempting to do, we will take this occasion to present a brief explanation.

In the first place, the Lighted Lantern is a non-profit organization cooperatively owned and directed by the Lighted Lantern Group. It is closely associated with the Steele Community Center of Denver but derives no funds whatsoever from Steele for its activities.

From the beginning, the Lighted Lantern was set up to be a retreat and recreation center and a summer camp site for Steele Center groups as well as other groups from churches, universities, and other service organizations. The nominal fees that are charged barely pay for the upkeep of the Lantern.

In the second place, we wanted to express our democratic and religous ideals in action. Believing in the brotherhood of man, we have made our place available to all groups and individuals regardless of race, color, or creed. We hope that by offering a place for these groups to work, play, and study together, we, as well as they, might absorb some of the real essence of democracy and attain greater maturity in human understanding, and urgent necessity in our world today.

Thirdly, we wished to make of the Lighted Lantern a wholesome recreation center for our neighbors, residents of nearby communities, and for our Denver friends. To this end, we have attempted to create a friendly, homey, and non-commercial atmosphere. And, of course, when we think of recreation, we can think of no better all-inclusive play than folk and square dancing. Along these lines, we have envisioned the Lantern as a center developing recreational leadership and so have sponsored annual folk dance camps, workshops, and recreational institutes--all for very nominal fees.

Finally, a few words as to finances. There is no endowment, no public or private support, no dividends to be divided. Any balance in the treasury goes toward making further improvements or increasing our facilities. Most of the support for our work comes in the small fees paid by groups. However, we have had much volunteer labor donated and occasional welcome gifts of money. To those of you who have helped in one way or another, we sincerely thank you; to those of you who are visiting us for the first time or so, we extend a cordial welcome and invite you to come again.

The Lighted Lantern Group
     Paul and Pauline Kermiet
     Kathleen S. Timmons
     Frederick G. Enholm